Greetings Sisters and
Brothers. It has been a while seen we have done a newsletter. We have been
very busy on various projects.
We are pleased to announce that our Sisters Angela Marie Schumacher &
Jennifer R Blair have been promoted to the rank of Hon. Lady LKHT. Thank
you Hon. Lady Angela Marie Schumacher LKHT & Hon. Lady Jennifer R Blair
LKHT for your continued support of our work and Order, congratulations.
We have a new Facebook page for our Be The Solution Movement, please like
the page if you haven't done so already.
Coming up this month are two special ceremonies:
Invocation of Lady Veritas, Goddess of Truth 22nd October & All Hallows
Eve Ritual of Water 31st October. If any of you are in the Lancashire area
on these dates you are welcome to come along and join us.
The Invocation of Lady Veritas, Goddess of Truth is a special ceremony
which awakens the truth within us all and sends out energies to bring
truth out into our communities and the world. We invoke and honour the
Lady Veritas wearing white robes and decorating the Temple in white.
The Ritual of Water is when we celebrate the end of the harvest and light
bonfires to illuminate our way through the coming dark winter months. We
remember our ancestors and honour them during lively celebrations and
other festivities.
Remember to check out our new site http://alchemistslaboratory.com/
That is all for this month.